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Curriculum Vitae

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2022-        University of California San Francisco

                  Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences

                  Assistant Professor in Sociology

                  Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies (Affiliated Faculty)


2018-        National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect

                  Cornell University and Duke University

                  Graduate Research Associate (2018-2021)

                  Research Associate (2021 - 2022)

                  Co-Director (2022 - )


2021        PhD in Sociology, minor in Demography. Cornell University.

                 "Detailed Potential: Consequences of Parental Incarceration for Children's Education in the U.S."

                 Committee: Christopher Wildeman (Chair), Melissa Ferguson, Anna Haskins, & Daniel Lichter

2018        MA in Sociology. Cornell University.

                 Concentrations in Social Stratification, Race & Ethnicity, and Policy Analysis

2016        MEd in Community Development & Action. Vanderbilt University. 

2012        BA in Spanish and Family and Human Services. University of Oregon. 


McCauley, E. (2024). How Parental Incarceration Shapes the Timing and Structure of Fertility for Children of Incarcerated Parents. Demography, 11164302 

Zielinski, M., Alkov, D., McCauley, E., Aminawung, J. A., Shavit, S., & Wang, E. (2023). Characteristics of recently incarcerated primary care patients with and without a positive posttraumatic stress disorder screening upon clinic intake. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.

McCauley, E., & LeMasters, K., Behne, M., & Brinkley-Rubinstein, L. (2022). A Call to Action to Public Health Institutions and Teaching To Incorporate Mass Incarceration as a Socio-Structural Determinant of Health. Public Health Reports.

McCauley, E. (2022). The COVID-19 pandemic behind bars: Experimental evidence showing higher support for decarceration when framed as risk to correctional staff. Social Science & Medicine: Population Health, 19, 101218.

McCauley, E. (2022). How do academic and career services affect full-time employment and SSI/SSDI receipt in the transition to adulthood for youth with disabilities who have aged out of foster care?  Journal of Public Child Welfare.

McCauley, E., & Cooperstock, A. (2022). Differential Self-Reported COVID-19 Impacts Among U.S. Secondary Teachers by Race/EthnicityFrontiers in Education, 7(931234).

McCauley, E. (2021). Differential risks: How disability shapes risk in the transition to adulthood for youth who age out of foster care. Children & Youth Services Review, 106293.

McCauley, E. (2021). The role of stress and absence: How household member incarceration is associated with risky sexual health behaviors. Social Science & Medicine, 272, 113718.

LeMasters, K., McCauley, E., Nowotny, K., & Brinkley-Rubinstein, L. (2020). COVID-19 cases and testing in 53 prison systems. Health & Justice, 8(24). 

McCauley, E. (2020). Beyond the classroom: The intergenerational effect of incarceration on children's academic and nonacademic school-related outcomes in high school. Socius, 6, 1-13.

McCauley, E. (2019). The potential of college completion: How disability shapes labor market activity differentially by educational attainment and disability type. Journal of Disability Policy Studies, 30(4), 213-222.

Haskins, A., & McCauley, E. (2019). Casualties of context? Risk of cognitive, behavioral and physical health difficulties among children living in high-incarceration neighborhoods. Journal of Public Health, 27(2), 175-183.


McCauley, E., Eckstrand, K., Desta, B., Bouvier, B., Brockmann, B., & Brinkley-Rubinstein, L. (2018). Exploring healthcare experiences for incarcerated individuals who identify as transgender in a Southern jail. Transgender Health Journal, 3(1), 34-41.


Brinkley-Rubinstein, L., Zaller, N., Martino, S., Cloud, D. H., McCauley, E., Heise, A., & Seal, D. (2018). Criminal justice continuum for overdose prevention. Addictive Behaviors, 86, 104-110. 


McCauley, E. (2017). The cumulative probability of arrest by age 28 years in the United States by disability status, race/ethnicity, and gender. American Journal of Public Health, 107(12), 1977-1981. 


McCauley, E., & Samples, L. (2017). Navigating the disability determination process from the perspective of justice-involved adults with serious mental illnesses. Community Mental Health Journal, 53(8), 905-915. 


Zach, G., McCauley, E., Shin, M. B., & Brown, S. R. (2017). Long-term subsidies and SSI/SSDI income: Creating health promoting contexts for families experiencing housing instability with disabilities. Disability and Health Journal, 11(2), 214-220. 

McCauley, E., & Brinkley-Rubinstein, L. (2017). Institutionalization and Incarceration. In K. Eckstrand & J. Potter (Eds.), Trauma, resilience, and health promotion for LGBT patients: What every healthcare provider should know. New York City, NY: Springer Press.

In Progress

LeMasters, K., McCauley, E., & Brinkley-Rubinstein, L. New Horizons in Criminal Legal Data: Creating a Comprehensive Archive. (Revise & Resubmit). 

Brinkley-Rubinstein, L., O'Toole, L., Cullins, Z., McCauley, E., Lao, J., & Gutierrez, C.  Substance Use and Climate-Related Disasters among People Utilizing Syringe Exchange Services in Houston, Texas. (Revise & Resubmit). 

McCauley, E. Career track or college bound? Parental incarceration, race, and teachers’ college or career track referrals. (Under Review).

McCauley, E. The leniency of low expectations—Parental incarceration, race, and teachers’ evaluations of student writing. (Under Review).

McCauley, E. Emancipating to Where? Risk Factors for Homelessness during the Transition to Adulthood Among Youth Emancipating from Foster Care. (In Preparation)


2023, K01 from the Centers for Disease Control, Taking a Public Health Perspective on Human Trafficking: An Evaluation of the PROTECT Prevention Program (CE23-003). $293,935. Role: PI.

2023, The Office of the Executive Vice Chancellor and Provost and the Graduate Division Dean's Office Intramural Soc/Pop Fellows Award from the University of California San Francisco to fund a graduate student Graduate Research Associate (Natalie Keller). $15,000. Role: PI. 

2022, Administration for Children and Families, National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect. $6,459,945. Role: Co-I. 

2022, School of Nursing Intramural Grant from the University of California San Francisco to explore how incarceration stigma shapes reproductive health services. $27,053. Role: PI. 

2021, National Academy of Education / Spencer Foundation Dissertation Fellowship Semi-Finalist. $27,500. (Declined). 

2020, National Science Foundation Sociology Dissertation Improvement Grant to fund dissertation experiment examining the effect of paternal incarceration stigma on teachers' evaluation of students and their work. $16,000. Role: Co-PI.

2020, Fahs-Beck Doctoral Dissertation Grant funded by The New York Community Trust for Dissertation and Faculty Research in the Human Services to fund dissertation experiment examine the effect of maternal incarceration on teachers' expectations of student behavior. $5,000. Role: PI.

2020, Pilot Award funded by the National Institute for Drug Abuse (NIDA) and distributed through the Lifespan/Brown Criminal Justice Research Training Program to develop a database of daily jail incarceration from web scraping rosters from a random sample of counties. $16,200. Role: Sub-PI.

2020, ARDRAW Small Grant (funded through the Social Security Administration and  distributed through Policy Research Inc.) to explore the relationship between various academic-related services and employment during the transition to adulthood for youth who age out of foster care without finding a permanent placement who have disabilities. $10,000. Role: PI.

2020, Rapid Response Graduate Student Research Support Grant by the Cornell Population Center at Cornell University to field a survey based experiment with the Empire State Poll. $1,000. Role: PI.

2019, ARDRAW Small Grant (funded through the Social Security Administration and  distributed  through Policy Research Inc.) to explore how work-study programs moderate the relationship between disability and employment. $10,000. Role: PI.

2019, LifeSpan/Brown Criminal Justice Research Training Program on Substance Use, HIV, and Comorbidities in the Center for Prisoner Health and Human Rights traineeship.

2019, Seed Grant from the Center for the Study of Inequality at Cornell University to pilot an audit study examining the effect of implicit bias around parental incarceration stigma on teachers' assessment of student work and proposed discipline responses. $1,000. Role: PI.

2018, ARDRAW Small Grant (funded through the Social Security Administration and  distributed through Policy Research Inc.) to explore how ACA expansion affects labor market activity, health insurance, and public assistance receipt for those with disabilities. $10,000. Role: PI.


2017, ARDRAW Small Grant (funded through the Social Security Administration and distributed through Policy Research Inc.) to explore how disability shapes work ability differentially by educational attainment. $10,000. Role: PI.


2016, Disability Determination Process Small Grant (funded through the Social Security Administration and distributed through Policy Research Inc.) to explore the how family member disability and housing instability are related. $10,000. Role: Co-PI.


2015, Disability Determination Process Small Grant (funded through the Social Security Administration and distributed through Policy Research Inc.) to explore the disability determination process for incarcerated adults. $10,000. Role: Co-PI.


McCauley, E. & Johnson, E., April 2024, Salience and Context of Incarceration History Disclosure in Sexual and Reproductive Health Service Delivery, Presentation, Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health. 

McCauley, E., February 2024, Virtual, Emancipating to Where? Risk Factors for Homelessness during the Transition to Adulthood Among Youth Emancipating from Foster Care, Presentation, Applied Demography Conference.


McCauley, E., Sernaker, S., & Roehrkasse, A., February 2024, Virtual, Large-Scale Administrative Datasets on Child Welfare and the Untapped Potential of Data Linkage, Workshop, Applied Demography Conference.

McCauley, E., August 2022, Career track or college bound? Parental incarceration, race, and teachers’ college or career track referrals, Presentation, American Sociological Association.

McCauley, E., Covington, C., & Roehrkasse, A., August 2022, Administrative data and the study of child welfare, Workshop, American Sociological Association.


McCauley, E., August 2022, A social-ecological analysis of incarceration among youth emancipating from foster care in the United States, Presentation, Society for the Study of Social Problems.

McCauley, E., March 2022, Risk and resiliency: A social-ecological analysis of homelessness during the transition to adulthood among youth emancipating from foster care, Poster, Society for Research on Adolescence Conference. 

McCauley, E., April 2022, Behind bars but overlooked: Lack of data on jail incarceration and the potential of harnessing big data solutions, Poster, Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health. 

McCauley, E. & Portier, C., August 2021, Intergenerational health inequity: Consequences of parental incarceration on health care access and health behaviors, Presentation, American Sociological Association Conference. 

McCauley, E., May 2021, How parental incarceration shapes the timing and structure of fertility for children of incarcerated parents, Presentation, Population Association of America

McCauley, E., May 2021, Employment and independence in the transition to adulthood for youth with disabilities who age out of foster care, Poster, Population Association of America

McCauley, E. & Portier, C., April 2021, Parental incarceration and health care access and health behaviors, Presentation, Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health. 

McCauley, E., August 2020, Using linked administrative data to study child welfare, Workshop, American Sociological Association Conference. *Moved online due to COVID19. 

McCauley, E., August 2020, A leg up on employment or lost time? Work-study program participation and employment for those with disabilities, Presentation, American Sociological Association Conference. *Canceled due to COVID19. 

McCauley, E., April 2020, How disability shapes social exclusion during the transition to adulthood for youth who age out of foster care, Presentation, Population Association of America. *Canceled due to COVID19. 

McCauley, E., April 2020, Beyond the classroom: The intergenerational consequences of incarceration on children's academic and nonacademic outcomes in high school, Poster, Population Association of America. *Canceled due to COVID19.

McCauley, E., April 2019, Heterogeneity by race and gender in the effect of parental incarceration on sexual health, Presentation, Population Association of America.


McCauley, E., March 2019, The association between parental incarceration and sexual health and fertility, Presentation, Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health.

Eckenrode, J., & McCauley, E., January 2019, National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect: A resource for child welfare researchers, Workshop, Society for Social Work and Research Conference.


McCauley, E., November 2018, The effect of ACA expansion on labor market activity, insurance rates, and government support receipt for those with disabilities, Presentation, Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Conference.


McCauley, E., August 2018, The potential of college completion: How disability shapes labor market activity differentially by educational attainment and disability type, Presentation, American Sociological Association Conference.


McCauley, E., March 2018, The cumulative probability of arrest by disability status, race, and gender, Presentation, Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health.


McCauley, E., June 2017, Long-term subsidies and SSI/SSDI Income: Creating health promoting contexts for families experiencing housing instability with disabilities, Presentation, Biennial Conference for the Society for Community Research and Action.


McCauley, E., & Samples, L. March 2017, Navigating the disability determination process from the perspective of justice-involved adults with serious mental illnesses, Presentation, Eastern Sociological Society Conference.


Brinkley-Rubinstein, L., & McCauley, E., March 2015, Exploring healthcare experiences for incarcerated individuals who identify as transgender or gender non-conforming, Presentation, Academic & Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health.


SBS 272: Dissertation Writing Seminar

University of California San Francisco

Spring 2022

SBS 251: Professional Development ProseminarUncovering the Hidden Curriculum 

University of California San Francisco 

Winter 2022, Fall 2022, Spring 2024

PAM 6050: Principles of Population.

Course Facilitator for Dr. Litcher and Dr. Musick, Cornell University

Fall 2018

PAM 3120/SOC 3150: Research Design Practice & Policy. 

Teaching Assistant for Dr. Musick, Cornell University

Fall 2017

HOD 1300: Systematic Inquiry

Teaching Assistant for Dr. Van Schaack, Vanderbilt University


Secondary Teacher, Spanish and Life Skills.

Stamford Academy, Stamford Connecticut

2012 - 2014


2021, Howard B. Kaplan Memorial Award, Medical Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association.

2021, Conference Support Award, Cornell Population Center.

2021, Young Professional Scholarship, Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health.

2019, Conference Support Award, Cornell Population Center.

2019, Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University.


2018, Young Professional Scholarship, Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health.


2017, Morgan Graduate Teaching Assistantship Recipient, Cornell University.


2016, Young Professional Scholarship, Academic and Health Policy Conference on Correctional Health.

2015 - 2016, Peabody Dean’s Graduate Award, Vanderbilt University.

Research Assistantships

Bronfenbrenner Center for Translational Research, Doctoral Associate with the National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect, Cornell University, Ithaca New York. 2017- Current. 

  • Duties: Conduct independent research projects using linked administrative data, lead data use trainings, and develop a data user community.


LifeSet Evaluation, New York City New York. Managed a large scale research project exploring the transition to adulthood for youth aging out of foster care and coming out of incarceration including an evaluation of the LifeSet program. Project employs both qualitative interviews and a tablet based rapid data collection effort consisting of weekly surveys for a year. 2020-Current

  • Duties: Manage undergraduate research assistant team, develop interview guides, develop surveys, conduct qualitative interviews, lead qualitative analysis team, conduct longitudinal quantitative analyses, and facilitate collaboration between the program developers, the social service organizations that employ the program, a multi-site research team (Cornell University and Duke University), and the Administration for Children and Families in New York. 

COVID Prison Project. Conducted research using administrative data and contributor to the COVID case watch. 2020- Current. 

Project Return, Nashville Tennessee. Conducted a mixed-method evaluation of a mentoring program for previously incarcerated adult males with child support obligations. 2014-2016.       

  • Duties: Data cleaning, statistical inference and descriptive analyses using SAS, designing a qualitative interview guide, conducting qualitative interviews, using a general inductive approach to qualitative data analysis, assisting in grant reporting.


Department of Youth Services, Eugene Oregon. Conducted a mixed-method evaluation of two mentoring programs for formerly detained youth of color and assisted in the development of a culturally sensitive intake tool. 2011-2012.

  • Duties: Data cleaning, descriptive analyses using SAS, conducting qualitative interviews, general inductive analysis, and presenting results and recommendations. 

Professional Activities

2023                    Committee Member Claire Brindis Community Service Award Review Committee

                                 Institute for Health Policy Studies

                             University of California San Francisco

2022                     Led Job Market Bootcamp

                              Sociology Program, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences

                              University of California San Francisco

2022 -                   Committee Member  Graduate Admissions Committee

                              Sociology Program, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences

                              University of California San Francisco

2018-2020           Committee Member — Criminal Justice Data Development Group 

                              Ultimate Reentry Opportunity and Tompkins County Jail, Ithaca NY


2019-2020          Peer Mentor in Multicultural Academic Council Mentoring Program

                             Office of Inclusion and Student Engagement and Multicultural Academic Council

                             Cornell University


2017-2020           Peer Mentor—Graduate Students in Policy Analysis and Management

                              Cornell University


2017-2018           President—Graduate Students in Policy Analysis and Management

                              Cornell University


2014-2015           Student Representative—Curriculum Committee

                              Vanderbilt University


2014-2016           First-Year Student Representative—Peabody Graduate Student Association, ‘14

                              Executive Board—Peabody Graduate Student Association, ‘15

                              Vanderbilt University

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