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I am an Assistant Professor of Sociology in the Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences at the University of California San Francisco. I am a faculty affiliate of the Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies and a member of the Emancipatory Sciences Lab network. I am also the Co-Director of the National Data Archive on Child Abuse and Neglect. I completed my PhD in Sociology from the Departments of Sociology and Policy Analysis and Management at Cornell University in 2021, where I was an affiliate of the Center for the Study of Inequality and the Cornell Population Center.
My research focuses on the causes and consequences of criminal legal involvement for individuals and families. More specifically, my research agenda falls into three core areas. First, I study the intergenerational consequences of incarceration for children's health and education. Second, I study how criminal legal involvement acts as an important socio-structural determinant of health. Third, I study the intersection of race and disability in institutional settings, with an eye toward understanding the reciprocal relationship between social marginalization and institutionalization. I am currently funded by a K01 award from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. My research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, the Fahs-Beck Fund for Research and Experimentation, and Policy Research Associates, among others, and has been featured in Demography, the American Journal of Public Health, Socius, Social Science and Medicine, Children and Youth Services Review, and the Journal of Disability Policy Studies.
One current project explores the intergenerational consequences of incarceration on teachers’ expectations and evaluations of students with incarcerated parents. The project relies on an experimental design where high school teachers are given a student biography with randomly assigned parental incarceration status and complete tasks related to evaluating student work, student competency, and student behavior. Initial results suggest that teachers evaluate students with incarcerated parents more leniently while providing more positive but less specific or useful feedback.